At the mill

This signal serves a different purpose at the International Paper Co.’s mill here. The signs explain the signal’s messge for the day: On Friday, 5 July, there were no accidents. Red would mean lost time due to an accident; yellow, a first aid case. The signal’s gray color is similar to Metropolitan District Commission signals in the Boston area.

A truck signal located at the paper mill’s entrance.

International Paper Co., Hudson River Mill

Traffic signals do not only serve to direct traffic in the Capital District region. In Corinth, the Hudson River Mill uses them for specific purposes. They direct truck traffic, and give an indication on accidents for a particular day.

But time ran out for the mill.

Capital-Adirondack Signals has very sad news to report: After 104 years of operation, International Paper Company closed the mill on 2 November 2002. I am really sorry to see this happen, since my grandfather, Arthur Hathway, worked here until his death in 1950. I vacationed here on a yearly basis, and this region is still home. I really hope someone purchases the mill, the same way IBM spun off operations in Endicott recently.

I would like to give a very special THANK YOU to Jonathan Geraghty, Human Resources Specialist; and to security guards Wilma Williams and Lauren Mattison!

—Timothy Forbes

This page updated 26 December 2002.