El semáforito
(The Little Signal)

Cornelia and Broad streets, looking southeast.
Photos taken 4 October 2002.

This major intersection greets motorists as they enter Plattsburgh from the Adirondack Northway. It is a typical wire installation for a very busy road.

El Webjefe noticed the pedestrian signal mounted on a corner. It is short in stature. After purchasing gasoline, he walked over and (at right) stood next to the signal. He is only 5'7" tall (170 cm), so the signal is indeed short.

The signal head is a lot newer, since it uses international symbols (at left). It still retains the traditional Plattsburgh color scheme.


Click on photo above for a larger view.


Newer signals with backplates, like something out of the Golden State.

The typical signal. It looks like a Saratoga Springs signal, circa 1966, with a Syracuse twist.

Something out of the Bluegrass State?

A warning light that looks like something out of Endicott.

It greets you as you enter on Route 3.

The oldest installation is also a compilation of different influences. We’ll explain.

One block from the oldest installation is an interesting treatment of trusses.

Older signals that have a couple of oddities.