The prototype

This view is on Cornelia Street, looking east.

Cornelia and Margaret streets

Here is a prime example of what may be a “classic” Plattsburgh installation. Just as Saratoga Springs installed many signals in 1966 (and is about to do so in 2003), it seems Plattsburgh installed many of them around 1970. Saratoga Springs signals were Marbelite units that had full visors for the red and yellow lights, but cutaway visors for the green lights. Most were wire-mounted, except for a couple of units on Broadway, which used trusse. Here, Crouse-Hinds units with full visors were installed, suspended from silver-colored poles. Eight-inch pedestrian signals were installed as well. In the picture at the left, note the Rochester-style installation of a pedestrian signal, on a cobra-style streetlight.

All photos taken 4 October 2002.

City theme

Pedestrian signal heads are yellow. So are the pushbuttons and pole bases; the poles are unpainted. This theme is continued in new pedestrian signals.

Newer signals with backplates, like something out of the Golden State.

The typical signal. It looks like a Saratoga Springs signal, circa 1966, with a Syracuse twist.

Something out of the Bluegrass State?

A warning light that looks like something out of Endicott.

It greets you as you enter on Route 3.

The oldest installation is also a compilation of different influences. We’ll explain.

One block from the oldest installation is an interesting treatment of trusses.

Older signals that have a couple of oddities.