The current trend

Washington Avenue and Brevator Street
This is not a typical picture of Albany. It looks like any other installation in any other city. There have been no pagoda-style signals here since about 1981, when the signals pictured here debuted. What is significant is that these signals faced replacement with a new set of more sophisticated signals. Photo taken 4 July 2000.


A closeup

Besides the WEIRD colors in these photographs, one can also notice the new signals use 12" lenses, and that the pedestrian signal is dark green, since it is located in a residential area.


Two years later—click here

The Golden State infiltrates the city’s downtown. A stunning new signal!

Global changes on Central and Washington avenues.

They used to prevail on Central Avenue.

Pagoda heaven!

New modes for an old pagoda signal.

More themes in green.

Here is an Art Deco bracket.

WALK, don’t run! The signals are changing!