The Webjefe: Northern Troy has a very nice neighborhood setting
to it. This is also the city where I was born. Well, the Fourth of July,
2002, was hot and humid; the temperature was 95 degrees Fahrenheit or
so (36 degrees Celsius). What was the surprise? Seeing these signals in
yellow. Traditionally, Troy has used green. Now, it looks
like a scene straight out of Albany.
But Troy has its own personality. Take a look at the photo on the right.
This is not a Crouse-Hinds signal; this is apparently a General Electric
unit, 1930s vintage. Unlike many of the pagoda signals in Albany, it has
a fresh coat of yellow paint. These signals have their own special style,
and they still perform their job today, as they did when Franklin Delano
Roosevelt was president.
2nd Avenue and 116th Avenue
A closeup view